Tangle Ridge Turnings
tanis johnson
What do you make
Wood turned art and functional art
Is this a part time or full time pursuit
Full Time
Where’s home, and what do you like about it
Hinton, Alberta - at the foot of the Canadian Rockies. Small town living with the mountains just a stones throw away.
What’s your origin story? How did you get started with this work?
I have always been a maker. Wood turning has always mesmerized me. One day, my husband surprised me with a small lathe. After turning my first ugly stick, I was hooked!
What pushes and/or inspires you to be creative?
Being creative is second nature to me. I'm not a planner, I let whatever creative outlet I am working on dictate the outcome of a piece of art.
How can people purchase your work?
Any custom orders or requests for pieces seen on Facebook or Instagram can be purchased by sending me a Direct Message.
Facebook @TangleRidgeTurnings